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Janee Swan

  • Somatic Inquiry/Insight


  • Body Work/Massage

  • Family Constellations 


Working with Janee has been an invaluable process which has led me to form a much closer relationship to myself, my intuition and my emotional processes. Somatic enquiry works for me by making huge internal shifts, even in just one session and it has given me the tools to hold myself through difficult feelings without needing to change them. This process has released trauma in a very gentle, compassionate and transformative way and Janee holds it all so incredibly carefully and with such deep wisdom. Somatic enquiry works by helping us to feel our emotions in our body and give them the space and love to be heard in order for us to heal.  I have so much more self awareness and self compassion now due to this work. I couldn't recommend Janee and this work more highly. 

Billie 27



Janee has been working with me in somatic therapy to release some lifelong trapped emotions.

Her method of holding and guiding through the process is direct, clear and immensely effective.

I’ve used support from a few therapists in the past and have no hesitation in saying that the therapy I’ve received from Janee has had the fastest and most effective impact and significantly improved the quality of my life. Thank you.
Male, 59, Lewes

Through my sessions with Janee, I found a lot of healing. During our talks I felt safe which helped me open up to fears I put away and might not have otherwise expressed.

I was listened to and guided through difficult situations I needed perspective on. 

Male, 23 Lewes

It's not too much to say that Janee transformed my life in a session. I was exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally, yet

Janee managed to ground me, relax me, focus me and energise me to a point that I felt ready to be with the world again.

Perhaps most uniquely she combined massage with a light and thorough systemic questioning style that broke through to a quiet and profound place, which still resonates usefully for me, weeks after treatment. Simply, thank you!  

Crispin Redwood

'Having a massage with Janee is not only releasing and regenerating for the body, but also for the mind and soul.

She understood the needs of my mind and body as soon as she started to work on me.

If I lived in Hove, I would see her every week because I'm convinced I'd live at least a decade longer with her in my life!" 

Lucy Jago Briggs

I serendipitously found Janee at a time when I was feeling at the end of my tether.

I had put out the intention to find a somatic based therapist, speaking to multiple options, yet with each one, I felt unheard and that the depth of distress I was in was not understood. I felt more hopeless with each practitioner I spoke to.

Randomly I followed a thread on an online group where someone else had asked for suggestions for therapists, as I scrolled down reading the descriptions and opening links, I was drawn to the comment suggesting Janee. The way it was written described a feeling I was desiring to feel for myself. Empowered, In my body, Connected to myself, Heard, Regulated.


Working somatically, learning to listen deeply to my internal world has allowed me to learn so much about aspects of myself that I would not have got through just talking. The safety created in my body through the connection held in the session between Janee and I, and my connection to myself has given parts of me that have needed and wanted to heal, the space to. 


Janee is the person to goto if you have tried all other types of therapy and healing and nothing has worked. And better than that, she is the person to goto. Full stop.

Michelle, 38yrs

Session Fees:

I offer a sliding scale:

Low Income: £40/hr ($80nzd)   

High Income: £65/hr ($120 nzd)

Contact me:

Free 15 min consultation.


Please fill in the Client contact form below, to set up a 15 minute a free introductory call  to get a feel for my approach and assess whether we are a good fit.

Alternatively message me on Whats App or Telegram +447779639955

or text 00642040007124




My love of yoga stretches led me to training in Thai Massage, a 2500 year old art form designed to bring the body into perfect balance. 

A sequence of gentle (but firm) pressure techniques with the thumbs, palms and feet will relax the muscle structure and quieten the mind. Light yoga style stretching is mixed into this massage helping to open the joints and increasing mobility, giving you a boost of energy.

​In a treatment I will 'meet' your body and be guided by where your tension needs support to release.  Using the breath, intention, and thai massage techniques, you will receive a renewed sense of lightness and wellbeing as the sensation of 'holding' is transformed into spaciousness.

Thai Massage is performed on a mat on the floor, clients wear light, loose-fitting clothing. Oils can be added for extra relaxation.  It is suitable during pregnancy.

Somatic Inquiry/Insight

These sessions are offered through audio, video, or in person.


Somatic inquiry or 'sensing through the body', is staying with your experience in your body and can lead into your deeper beliefs which generate and organise these experiences.

In a mindful relaxed space, I listen to you expressing your story, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, bodily sensations and intuition. 

I facilitate you to learn to explore your somatic experience (this skill develops into something that you have for life).

…offering observations, questions and techniques that support you to safely navigate the sensations, beliefs and feelings that are below the surface…

            …to bring them into awareness,

to process, integrate and transform 

and leave greater freedom in their wake.

In the sessions you cultivate capacity for deep listening to your 'felt sense' and instinctual guidance.

Your tensions or resistances are met and eased, creating wider clarity, lightness and self awareness. 

Clients experience being heard, witnessed and understood.    Life changes can then occur from this connected, grounded place.

After a session, my clients report a sense of relief, lightness and movement and  a sense of rejuvenation through reflection and insight.

I recommend 4 weekly sessions to allow for time and space of your unfolding healing.  I am open to less or more sessions - it is up to you.

Client Contact Form

Thanks for submitting and I will be in touch very soon.

My Past Training and Ongoing study:

  • ITEC Holistic Massage

  • Traditional Thai Massage - Chris Hoey

  • Center for Systemic Constellations

  • Body Orientated Coaching - The Somatic School

  • Tara Brach's RAIN methodology, 

  • Inner MBA

  • Yoga teacher training  200hrs:

  • Daily meditation and yoga practice

  • My Teachers, to name a few:

    • Tara Brach,

    • Gabor Mate,

    • Adyashanti,

    • The Red School

    • Nature, organic Intelligence,

    • My family and friends,

    • Animals/nature


Personal statement :

Now in my 50's, I have navigated many life challenges and joys which have brought me into close compassionate relationship with my soul, my body, my life.  Most profoundly, being with my teenage child as they passed, took me into a deep process of being with suffering, love and resilience. 


The space I can hold for you is  safe and understanding.  Your journey weaves into my journey and together, through a trusting connection, we can work the wonders of transforming stuck energy 

( thoughts/emotions/patterns) into a freedom felt in your body,mind and soul.

I look forward to connecting with you with where you are at,  what you are with, and welcome your


DIVERSE self. 

Family Constellations

We all exist within systems, be it family, work, social and the whole environment.


Family constellations - the set up in your family which includes both the living and those passed.  All are present and all have their place.  There is huge value in exploring through a systemic constellation lens, to resolve personal, family and social issues. 

It provides a truly fresh perspective on yourself, your life, your work and the family and community groups to which you belong.

Trained under Chris Hoey, Wat Pho
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